Posts Tagged ‘Utopia Buffaloes’
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Community Journalism, Sports
Tags: Bandera, Bandera High School, Bandera Lady Bulldogs, basketball, Medina, Medina High School, Medina Lady Cats, photos, soccer, softball, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia High School

The Utopia varsity basketball squads were unable to pull out a homecoming win tonight against Knippa, with the Buffaloes losing 56-53 to the Rockcrushers and the Lady Buffs falling 59-36.
Check out the full set of sports photos from both games and the Utopia High School Homecoming in the Gallery:
Utopia Buffaloes vs. Knippa Rockcrushers – Jan. 22, 2010
Utopia Lady Buffs vs. Knippa Lady Rockcrushers – Jan. 22, 2010
Utopia High School Homecoming – Jan. 22, 2010
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Sports
Tags: basketball, photos, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia Lady Buffs
I apologize for the lack of photo updates here on If you’ve spoken with me in person, you know why this is. If you haven’t, I’m not really at liberty to be candid with the details here on the Net.
As vaguely as I can explain it, I am no longer subsidizing the Bulletin’s photography budget with my professional equipment, and the newspaper has given me a broken point-and-shoot camera with which to shoot Bandera County sports for the foreseeable future.
If you want to know my feelings on this, don’t hesitate to ask.
I hope that the situation will change for the better in the near future, but from what I’ve been told, it’s highly unlikely. I think this is quite unfortunate.
Luckily there is some light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a number of very good local photographers who are shooting Bandera County sports as freelancers this year. Check out the work of Spencer Smith, Ken Lane and Rick Mender to get your sports photo fix.
And what of Many good things are on the horizon. Bookmark away and come back often; what you’ll see here in the near future is unlike anything that’s graced the Internet landscape of Bandera County. Those of you who know me well know I don’t make such boasts without warrant.
Stay tuned – it’s about to get good!
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: News, Sports
Tags: Bandera, Bandera Bulldogs, Bandera Lady Bulldogs, Medina, Medina Bobcats, Medina Lady Cats, photos, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia Lady Buffs
Feeling withdrawals from fine sports photos? I am here tonight with the cure!
Eight albums of fresh Bandera County sports photos are newly posted over at the Bulletin’s account, including:
Bandera Bulldogs Baseball vs. Floresville Tigers – Feb. 17, 2009
Bandera Bulldogs Soccer vs. Medina Valley Panthers – Feb. 17, 2009
Bandera Lady Bulldogs Soccer vs. Medina Valley Lady Panthers – Feb. 17, 2009
Bandera Bulldogs Varsity vs. Alumni Home Run Derby and Baseball Game – Feb. 21, 2009
Silver Sage Corral Birthday Brunch and Meet The Board Meeting – Feb. 23, 2009
Utopia Buffaloes vs. San Isidro Tigers – Feb. 24, 2009
Bandera Bulldogs Basketball vs. Corpus Christi West Oso – Feb. 26, 2009
Medina Bobcats vs. Kingsville Academy – Feb. 27, 2009
That’s right folks, the first baseball photos of the year and all three Bandera County school districts worth of basketball playoffs. All three teams were knocked out of the post-season, but not without some great games played first.
Let me take this chance to express how thankful I am to the community for giving me the privilege of covering your sports for the past decade of my life. All of these athletes are amazing young people who deserve the recognition and positive attention that good photojournalism can provide, and it’s my pleasure to work the courts and fields each week with my camera.
If there is anything more I can do to serve your sports coverage needs, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you again for the opportunities, and for supporting The Outlaw!
(Please note: I do not handle any of the fulfillment for print orders placed through the Bulletin’s galleries, so I do not claim any responsibility for the quality of prints or service they provide. We use a completely different lab for printing here at Outlaw, and I cannot vouch for’s quality. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.)
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Sports
Tags: Bandera, Bandera Bulldogs, Bandera Lady Bulldogs, baseball, Medina, Medina Bobcats, photos, soccer, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes
A veritable cornucopia of sports photos from around Bandera County are now posted online to kick off your new year!
This week’s photo update includes:
Bandera Bulldogs Alumni vs. Varsity Soccer Game – Jan. 3, 2009
Bandera Lady Bulldogs vs. Devine Arabians – Jan. 6, 2009
Bandera Bulldogs vs. Devine Warhorses – Jan. 6, 2009
Bandera County Junior Livestock Show – Jan. 9, 2009
Medina Lady Cats JV vs. Center Point Lady Pirates JV – Jan. 14, 2009
Medina Lady Cats vs. Center Point Lady Pirates – Jan. 14, 2009
Utopia Lady Buffs vs. Comstock Lady Panthers – Jan. 16, 2009
Utopia Buffaloes vs. Comstock Panthers – Jan. 16, 2009
Utopia High School Homecoming Court – Jan. 16, 2009
Another great couple of weeks for being a photojournalist in Bandera County!
As always, you can find all of these albums at the Bulletin’s account.
What do you think of the black and white processing applied to some of the highlight photos from these galleries? What other sports or events would you like to see covered in the community? Leave your comments below or drop me an e-mail.
(Please note: I do not handle any of the fulfillment for print orders placed through the Bulletin’s galleries, so I do not claim any responsibility for the quality of prints or service they provide. We use a completely different lab for printing here at Outlaw, and I cannot vouch for’s quality. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.)
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Sports
Tags: Bandera, Bandera alumni, Bandera Bulldogs, Bandera Lady Bulldogs, basketball, junior varsity, livestock show, Medina, Medina Bobcats, Medina Lady Cats, photos, soccer, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia Lady Buffs, varsity
Happy New Year to all of our wonderful readers out there! With a lull in sports over the holidays, I enjoyed some great family time and covered several fun Christmas events around the county.
This week’s photo update includes:
Bandera County Chamber of Commerce Mixer at Medina River Ranch Resorts – Dec. 11, 2008
Bandera Business Association Christmas Party – Dec. 12, 2008
Medina Bobcats JV vs. Utopia Buffaloes JV – Dec. 16, 2008
Medina Lady Cats vs. Utopia Lady Buffs – Dec. 16, 2008
Medina Bobcats vs. Utopia Buffaloes – Dec. 16, 2008
You can find all of these photos at the Bulletin’s account.
And one more gallery, hosted here at, for my musical mates:
Pipe Creek Rock Concert at the Pipe Creek Community Center – Jan. 2, 2009
Thanks for rocking the New Year with The Outlaw!
(Please note: I do not handle any of the fulfillment for print orders placed through the Bulletin’s galleries, so I do not claim any responsibility for the quality of prints or service they provide. We use a completely different lab for printing here at Outlaw, and I cannot vouch for’s quality. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.)

Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Arts & Entertainment, Sports
Tags: Bandera, basketball, concert, Medina, Medina Bobcats, Medina Lady Cats, photos, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia Lady Buffs
Just a reminder, you can find the latest athletic schedules available from Bandera ISD, Medina ISD, and Utopia ISD at each district’s respective web site.
Direct links to sports schedules are as follows:
Bandera ISD:
Medina ISD:
Utopia ISD:
Who’s ready for some Bulldogs football playoffs next week, and our upcoming fall sports?
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Sports
Tags: Bandera, Bandera Bulldogs, Bandera Lady Bulldogs, baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, Medina, Medina Bobcats, Medina Lady Cats, soccer, softball, Sports, track and field, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia Lady Buffs, volleyball
Just posted a fresh set of images from Wednesday’s Bandera Invitational Cross Country Meet, Oct. 22, 2008, featuring runners from Bandera, Medina, and Utopia, and Friday’s Medina Bobcats vs. Leakey Eagles varsity football game of Oct. 24, 2008.
You can view both albums on the Bulletin’s account.
(Please note: I do not handle any of the fulfillment for print orders placed through the Bulletin’s galleries, so I do not claim any responsibility for the quality of prints or service they provide. We use a completely different lab for printing here at Outlaw, and I cannot vouch for’s quality. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.)
Author: James Taylor | Filed under: Sports
Tags: Bandera, Bandera Bulldogs, Bandera Lady Bulldogs, cross country, Medina, Medina Bobcats, Medina Lady Cats, Sports, Utopia, Utopia Buffaloes, Utopia Lady Buffs